How this Mr Joe Ordinary, went from a run-of-the-mill DadBod to a toned muscular "Beef Cake" who gets hit on every single day.


Men in their 40's suddenly ditching the Dad Bod without trying?   


By Frank Reubenthal,  JRK News Networks (contributor)

If you’re a middle-aged man, struggling with a Dadbod, or you lack stamina, or feel tired and fatigued, then you should try this.

It has helped me look and feel younger and it will help you too!

I feel stronger, better looking, and happier than ever. 

And it’s not me saying it. It’s my family, and my friends saying it.


Jeff Bilingford - Photo Credit Oscar Jackson



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Lonnie_Mufti  * a few minutes ago

Glad I read this as it reminded me to write my review for the product which i just did.  I've been using for a month and it make a huge difference.

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PunkrocZephyr  * a few minutes ago

I ordered, 2 days ago and it's showing out for delviery today. Excited.

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Tom_Bmin * over an hour ago

My buddy told me he had started using Megga Man and said I should give it a shot.  I was amazed at how fast I felt the effects.  Not only more energy, but weight loss, extra strength and serioulsy more horny. I fell like 18 agian (56 btw)

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MRicky_332 *over an hour ago

Just ordered.  Can't wait 

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Johnny73  * over an hour ago

I took advantage of the free bottle offer they have running, don't miss that it will save you a fortunte.  I wish I'd bought more tbh. 

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Edwardo_J68  *over an hour ago ago

I like my Dad Bod and so does my wife!

 Reply ~ Share

LReg_0sX * over an hour ago

This was one of the best purchases I have made online.  Super simple order process and FAST delivery.  I only started 4 days ago but thinks are looking promising !

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Hi! I’m Jeff and I’m 43 years old!

Here’s how I went from having a weird "skinny fat" Dad bod, at 40, to being in the best shape of my life at 41!

I’d like to share my own story because I know it will resonate with you… just read it all the way to the end.

Hi again! I’m Jeff!

I’m a husband, a father of two, and an accountant.

And when I’m not busy being any of my roles mentioned above, I’m myself…

But this is not a story about how busy I am, or how many roles I have to fill, but my experience of reaching the age of 40, and all its “perks” such as, the Dadbod.

At the beginning I thought that my belly and torso will regain its initial shape

At the beginning I thought that my belly and torso will regain its initial shape and size after my kids have grown a bit and I could start taking care of myself better.

Then I blamed it on the food, so I started eating less and following diets that sometimes did more harm than good.

Unfortunately, it didn’t happen, regardless of what I ate, or how many times I hit the gym weekly.

I first blamed it on lack of quality sleep. If you have kids, you might know how many hours you sleep at night with two babies…

Then, the kids got older and started sleeping through the night but my Dadbod wasn’t going anywhere.

I stopped playing the blame game, I started reading about what a Dadbod is, why it’s so common, and how to get rid of it.

To my surprise, it was all related to hormones. More specifically Testosterone.  Even though when I look back now it seems so obvious, reading about it then was truly amazing.

I never would’ve thought that after a certain age, men lose strength, stamina, muscle tone, and even energy just because of one small drop in hormone production (which can easily be reversed)

And regardless of how hard you try, your body can’t reach its initial highs…

Anyway, while reading about Testosterone, an ad popped up.

Normally, I would’ve ignored it but this one was intriguing and it didn’t promise any overnight surprises.

It was Megga-Man Testosterone Boost capsules and it was a total game changer for middle aged men.

I was a bit skeptical about it at first, until I started reading the hundreds of 5-star reviews. 

Men from all over the world, satisfied by Megga-Man’s effect on their lives.

Even reviews from wives of these men, who were satisfied with the new version of their husbands.

It was then when it clicked, and I knew that this was the right solution for my Dadbod.

I ordered it and to my surprise it arrived the very next day

Ever since then I implemented a short, 30-second morning routine. A big glass of water with two  Megga-Man capsule. That’s how my day starts.

The results?

  • After 5 days into the routine, I started feeling more energetic, and the fat around my waist was smaller.
  • 8 days into the routine I could exercise longer and harder and my body would recover faster.
  • 17 days into the routine I gained not less than 5 pounds of pure muscle and even my close relatives started seeing big improvements.
  • 47 days into it I was feeling like in my 20’s and I had no fat around my belly had gained 9 pounds of ripped muscle .

Needless to say, I have continued my daily routine ever since, and probably will forever because this product has forever changed my life for the better!

Totally off-topic, but still an achievement, it has boosted my self-esteem and my confidence is through the roof.  

And even though I am happily married I now get hit on all the time at the gym, at the coffee shop and even while on dates with my wife !

All thanks to an ad…

Finally, I blamed it on myself for not pushing myself hard enough at the gym.

Then, when I stopped playing the blame game, I started reading about what a

Dadbod is, why it’s so common, and how to get rid of it.