56 Year Old Grandmother Loses 12lbs & Turns The Heat On Again With Her Husband After Years Of Bedtime Neglect All By Igniting Her Metabolism With Just 2 Little Pills


Can This 2 Pill Supplement Destroy Body Fat ?   


By Jaimie Rosabel,  JRK News Networks (editor) & Contributor Celine Beauford

It all changed when I turned 44...

I knew it was coming, but never knew the effects that it will have on yes.

Yes, I’m talking about menopause.

... it has affected areas in my life I never thought it will affect, such as my intimate

relationship with my husband.

After 13 days I noticed that I had more energy during the day, and my hair started


18 days into my KetoTonic routine, I have lost 12 pounds.

27 days after taking the first capsule, my husband and I savored each other like

we were teenagers!

I’m still continuing my KetoTonic routine, and I see improvements every time I

step of the scale!

Best part?

My husband and I can’t take our hands off of each other!

If you’re struggling with losing weight and you haven’t found something that

works yet, then here it is, the KetoTonic capsules.

It helps men and women, regardless of their age, to increase their metabolism

and reach their ideal weight.

Try it before it’s too late, and your extra weight affects other areas of your life.

Celine. XXX

Celine Beauford - Photo Credit Oscar Jackson

My husband became uninterested in being intimate with me... which was, least to say unusual.


The following email submitted by one of our regular readers had such an impact and impressed our editorial team so much, we have decided to publish the entire email as an article without changes, input and only with layout edits.  Enjoy !

I don’t know if my body and weight turning him off, or my attitude about my body

and weight, but at the end of the day, it didn’t matter.

He would always excuse himself and blame it on a headache.

I knew I had something to do before it was too late...

But what? 

What can you do when your whole metabolism changes?


A limited quantity of Ketotonic free bottle offers are available only for our readers !

Click Here To Secure Your FREE 30-Day Bottle Offer Now

Danny_NYC  * a few minutes ago

Great article. Been meaning to buy this for about a month.  thansk for reminding me.  heard good things

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Dev.HeArt2  * a few minutes ago

I tried placing order, but my country is not the list :(

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Milu.Lokie * over an hour ago

My friends and I have all been waiting for this advanced formula to hit the news. We have used this previous formula and it did worked for us. This stuff realy does what it claims. I just ordered and got my freebies here HTTPS://linkaddhere.com

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Michy469 *over an hour ago

My bottles plus the free ones arrived super fast& i have to say.. this stuff worked for me and my husband especially me. thank you so much for putting up this article, i'm so happy to see other people getting results.

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Kevin_Berk98  * over an hour ago

I took this formula with their free beginners diet plan, my results are amazing. 

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Ed_223Prip  *over an hour ago ago

I like being fat adn happy!

 Reply ~ Share


Lesley_cOoPeR * over an hour ago

There is a big buzz going on these days about the keto weight loss system. I am seeing  all over.. I am ordering noe going to succeed this time. Thanks for the links.

 Reply ~ Share


Daisy_Simons4 * a few hours ago

i have a run a small private vitamin store here in Tampa and i had customers asking if i have KetoBUster in stock. I guess its been around for some time adn getting a good rep.

 Reply ~ Share


LucyHope_776 * a few hours ago

My prtner and I both need to shed some lbs before seeing distant family at a big wedding in July.  Just ordered it, so fingers crossed.

 Reply ~ Share


Step&hen * a few hours ago

My GF got hers https://enterlinkshere.com a week ago.   one of her friends has lost like 25lbs in the first 4 weeks.

 Reply ~ Share


AndiiG * 1 day ago

just placed my order, can't wait to start!!!   I got 3 free bottles to boot !!!!

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William.TY734 * 1 day ago

A gym buddy of mine recommended it to me 3 weeks ago. I ordered and they turned up within 3 days.  All good so far.

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Les.Ar1432 * 1 day ago

I never buy these things I was jsut not interested, until i saw it they had some free so I decided to give ita shot.

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Hi! I’m Celine and I’m 56 years old!

Here’s how this 100% natural supplement helped me achieve my ideal weight, and implicitly get my husband attracted to me again... (after more than a decade).

I’d like to share my own story because I know it will resonate with you... 

....just read it all the way to the end.

But before I get there, let me tell you how it happened.

It started with my nails. I noticed they weren’t as strong as they used to. Then my

hair became thinner and thinner by day.

But the worst was my metabolism, which slowed drastically.

You see, I could eat anything, anytime, and as much as I’d like, I’d never gain a

single pound. But now... even if I’d eat as little as I could I’d gain weight.

And yes, I tried cutting out carbs, sugar, dieting and all that but nothing worked.

Pounds added up quickly and the inevitable happened: 

I was devastated.

I used to stare at the ceiling for hours during night, with my husband sleeping on

my left, and think about how am I going to fix this...

Needless to say, I started looking for solutions online, and as expected, I was

bombarded with weight loss offers, courses, and pills.

Now, at my age you know a thing or two about things that sounds too good to be

true, so I dived into my research deeper.

I was on Google’s 5th page when I stumbled upon it...

The KetoTonic capsules.

All I had to do was two capsules each morning, then continue my day as usual.